Amica|Amigo is a community of friendly travelers. Our goal is to provide a unified space for our fellow travel adventurers (“Amigos”)
to dream, plan, adventure, and share. We strive to give our Amigos the tools to support their travel:
Dream. A community that allows you to view your fellow Amigos’
travel related posts and record your own inspirations as a means to envision your own travel adventures.
Plan. Tools that allows you to plan your adventure by organizing your travel details and creating your travel map and schedule in one unified space.
Adventure. An app that allows you to view your organized travel details and map while you are traveling.
We hope that you will use these features to quickly locate those gems that feed your stomach and mind.
A space where you can record your travel adventures: journal, photo album, thoughts, and scrapbook. We will strive to provide
features that allow you to easily share your memories and recommendations with your friends (and to the greater Amigos community
to the extent allowed by your privacy settings).
Community of friendly travelers.
We are commited to promoting a healthy, safe, and secure community. To that end, we will combat harmful conduct and prohibit
inappropriate content. If conduct or content on Amica|Amigo is determined to be harmful towards others,
we may take such actions as: removing content, removing or restricting access to certain features, disabling an account,
or contacting law enforcement.